About us

About Jagdamb Farming

Jagdamb Farming is a prominent producer company registered under the Companies Act, 1956. The company operates under the aegis of its parent concern- Jagdamb Agri Producer Company Ltd. with a pledge to address dynamic environment issues, Jagdamb Farming is on a journey to develop nature friendly yet commercially profitable farming methods. Its these methods that have addressed the need to feed
a people of the world.

Vision Towards Green Future!

Jagdamb Farming has made a name for itself. We are known for our efforts to boost the farming sector as the growth driver for our economy. Jagdamb’s commitment is to lead up from the grassroots by inspiring both viz. the farmers and the professionals. We provide them with top class hydroponics farming instruments and put forward the prowess of Indian Agripreneurs before the whole world.